Online Gambling Statistics reveal that over 20% of Americans engage in some form of gambling. With the illegal sale of credit card numbers reaching all-time highs it is becoming increasingly difficult for U.S. residents to exercise self control and make wise financial decisions. Gambling is not a victimless vice, as many would argue, but it does create some serious repercussions, both economic and mental health-related. Unfortunately the negative backlash against gambling is often as much emotional as it is physical. The negative stigma attached to gambling is often as much of a problem as the gambling itself and one in five people wishing to partake in online gambling are nonetheless deterred by the fear of legal entanglements or the fear of having their identity stolen.
As the U.S. government works to protect its consumers from harmful internet activities and protect the interests of the American people, online gambling statistics continue to rise. As the number of states prohibiting gambling grows the amount of fraudulent accounts in the online gambling market continues to grow as well. While there are no clear trends as to why gambling is illegal in some areas and legal in others, there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to suggest that financial problems are a leading cause. With millions of people turning to online gambling as a means to earn additional income or to simply relax and unwind, the potential losses from fraud is staggering. However, as the online gambling industry expands there is bound to be growth, as the internet continues to provide consumers with an unparalleled number of choices.
Regardless of what kind of gambler you are there are many things to like about gambling on the internet. The fact that the potential losses are so low along with the potential rewards so great makes online gambling an attractive option for many gamblers. This is especially true considering that European business review services typically rate foreign companies higher than their domestic counterparts. As long as the gambler uses sound judgment and follows online gambling statistics closely there is little reason why he or she can’t earn a return on their initial investment.