Online Gambling Statistics

Considering the popularity of online casinos and the sheer number of players, it is not surprising to learn that there are many different Online Gambling Statistics. According to the Annenberg Adolescent Communication Institute, an average of three accounts per person is now the norm. This figure is expected to reach 3.2 in 2020. While this percentage is still low, it does show a steady rise in the future. By 2025, the number of accounts is expected to increase by nearly 40%.

Online Gambling Statistics

Despite this relatively new industry, statistics reveal that most people who gamble online do so from home. Moreover, most of these people are under the age of 25. In terms of gender, online gamblers are more likely to be women, while those between 18 and 24 are more likely to be male. While online gambling is still largely done from home, it is becoming increasingly popular with younger generations. The incidence of online gambling is also rising, with more people playing on their mobile phones.

While most people play at home, there are some exceptions to this rule. One in five people who gamble online have done so outside the home. However, this has not changed in a year. Among 18-24 year olds, more than half (20%) have gambled outside of the home. This means that even though the number of people playing online is growing, it is still only a small percentage of the entire population. So, you can see that the number of people who gamble online is steadily rising.