According to the latest figures, over fifty percent of people in the UK play online gambling games. The participation rate among this age group is the lowest in the world, while other age groups have moderate participation rates. In the United States, the number of people who gamble online is even higher, at twenty million people. In Canada, the numbers are even higher, with over 20 million active gamblers. These players regularly rank 8th in the world for remote gambling games. The most popular games are online slots and sports betting.
The prevalence of online gambling has increased in the past few years. Although the number of people who gamble online has remained relatively static in recent years, it is still rising. More than four million young men now have a gambling account. That figure is expected to reach 3.2 accounts for every person in 2020. However, the percentage has changed in the past few years. Despite the increase, the incidence of online gambling has been increasing at an alarming rate.
While there has been a dramatic decline in the incidence of online gambling, the growth of the industry has not slowed. The numbers show that most people who gamble online do so from home. In fact, fewer people report gambling while commuting than in previous years. Meanwhile, more than one-third of internet users report that they have gambled outside the home. The younger age group is especially vulnerable to online gambling. But despite the risks, online gambling continues to be an addictive activity.