Online Gambling Statistics
While it’s relatively easy to come across statistics and information about “old-fashioned” types of gambling, online gambling is a relatively new occurrence and therefore, accurate data on online gambling statistics isn’t always easy to come by. Statistics on how many Americans gamble on the Internet don’t really exist because there are no statistics that show an exact number of Americans who gamble on the Internet. The closest thing to a statistic regarding Internet gambling is the number of Americans who have gambled on the Internet in the previous year. There are, however, some indicators that show how many Americans gamble on the Internet and the most telling of these indicators is the number of people who gamble online.
The United States has approximately 5 percent of the world’s total population and the number of gamblers in this country is increasing steadily. In a country that has not experienced a recession since the Great Depression, it is no wonder that the numbers of gamblers online continue to grow with alarming speed. It would be safe to predict that the number of Internet gamblers will continue to increase and there are very good chances that it will become the biggest portion of the adult population in the U.S. It is estimated that there are currently between fifty and one hundred million people currently playing online casino games. Online Gambling Statistics indicate that this number is constantly rising and it is more likely that between seventy five and ninety percent of all online gamblers in the world engage in some form of gambling online at one time or another.
Gambling is something that is enjoyed by many all over the world and the Internet has only made it easier for people to do business and take part in online gambling activities. Statistics indicate that the amount of money being spent online increases annually. With more people starting up business and making money due to the fact that more people want to gamble online it is no wonder that the online gambling industry is growing so fast. Online Gambling Statistics have shown an increase in the last five years and the number of players is increasing each year. Over the next few years it is very likely that the online gambling industry statistics will continue to rise as more people take advantage of this free form of entertainment.